Aldephi provides reliable, supportable business valuations advice.
Businesses need valuations advice for a multitude of reasons – fundraising, strategic decision making, financial reporting, tax planning, tax compliance, regulatory compliance or dispute resolution. As businesses and their ownership grows more complex, the scrutiny of business values is also increasing. This has resulted in a growing need for reliable business valuation advice not just for reporting and compliance purposes but also for decision making.
Valuation Approaches and Supportability of Assumptions
There are a number of methods to value a business but they all broadly fall into three categories (or approaches) – the income approach, the market approach and the cost approach. Each of these approaches require adherence to certain basic principles but they all rely heavily on the assumptions made. Hence, for a business valuation to be considered reliable, it should use highly supportable assumptions. This is where Aldephi excels. We not only ensure that our valuation approach(es) are in line with globally accepted valuation approach(es) but also make sure that our assumptions have a strong basis and back-up, supported by our professional judgement which our experts have gained through several decades of experience in valuing companies across a wide range of industries, various stages of development (early stage, growth stage, mature, etc.) and for various purposes.
As a consequence, we are able to defend our valuation opinions confidently in front of auditors, regulators and tax authorities, resulting in significant time saving for our clients.